

Configuration for the eslint-plugin-perfectionist plugin, which provides all plugin rules with your predefined custom ordered alphabet.

This configuration allows you to define your own custom order for sorting elements in your codebase as you truly desire.

When to Use

Each rule in eslint-plugin-perfectionist offers a lot of options that should suit most use cases.

If this is not enough, you may define your own alphabet and use the recommended-custom configuration to enforce a consistent custom order across various data structures in your codebase.

Use this configuration to precisely tune how elements should be sorted while keeping readability and maintainability to their highest levels.


You must provide an alphabet option in the perfectionist settings object or for each rule individually. This option should be a string that represents an ordered alphabet.

Example: 01234564789abcdef...

Use the Alphabet utility class from eslint-plugin-perfectionist/alphabet to quickly generate a custom alphabet.

// .eslintrc.js
import { Alphabet } from 'eslint-plugin-perfectionist/alphabet'
import perfectionist from 'eslint-plugin-perfectionist'
import naturalCompare from 'natural-compare-lite';

const myCustomAlphabet = Alphabet
.sortingBy((a, b) => naturalCompare(a, b))

module.exports = {
extends: [
settings: {
perfectionist: {
alphabet: myCustomAlphabet

Alphabet class

The Alphabet class from eslint-plugin-perfectionist/alphabet provides a set of methods to generate and manipulate alphabets.

Static generators

- static generateCompleteAlphabet(): Alphabet

Generates an alphabet containing all characters from the Unicode standard except for irrelevant Unicode planes. Contains the Unicode planes 0, 1, 2 and 3.

- static generateRecommendedAlphabet(): Alphabet

Generates an alphabet containing relevant characters from the Unicode standard. Contains the Unicode planes 0 and 1.

- static generateFrom(values: string[] | string): Alphabet

Generates an alphabet from the given characters.

Adding/Removing characters

- pushCharacters(values: string[] | string): this

Adds specific characters to the end of the alphabet.

- removeCharacters(values: string[] | string): this

Removes specific characters from the alphabet.

- removeUnicodeRange({ start: number; end: number }): this

Removes specific characters from the alphabet by their range


- sortByLocaleCompare(locales?: Intl.LocalesArgument): this

Sorts the alphabet by the locale order of the characters.

- sortByNaturalSort(locale?: string): this

Sorts the alphabet by the natural order of the characters using natural-orderby.

- sortByCharCodeAt(): this

Sorts the alphabet by the character code point.

- sortBy(sortingFunction: (characterA: string, characterB: string) => number): this

Sorts the alphabet by the sorting function provided

- reverse(): this

Reverses the alphabet.

Other methods

- prioritizeCase(casePriority: 'lowercase' | 'uppercase'): this

For each character with a lower and upper case, permutes the two cases so that the alphabet is ordered by the case priority entered.

// Returns 'AaBbCDcd'

- placeAllWithCaseBeforeAllWithOtherCase(caseToComeFirst: 'uppercase' | 'lowercase'): this

Permutes characters with cases so that all characters with the entered case are put before the other characters.

// Returns 'abcdABCD'

- placeCharacterBefore({ characterBefore: string; characterAfter: string }): this

Places a specific character right before another character in the alphabet.

.placeCharacterBefore({ characterBefore: '/', characterAfter: '-' })
// Returns 'ab/-cd'

- placeCharacterAfter({ characterBefore: string; characterAfter: string }): this

Places a specific character right after another character in the alphabet.

.placeCharacterAfter({ characterBefore: '/', characterAfter: '-' })
// Returns 'abcd/-'

- getCharacters(): string

Retrieves the characters from the alphabet.

Table of Contents